When i was younger i used to have this reoccurring dream where i would be in an open rectangle shaped field with green grass and some fall leaves surrounding me and around the rectangle was a forest of fall trees. and at the edge of the rectangle there was a tree tunnel but i could only see 6 feet into it and then it would be pitch black dark and when i would try to step into the path my dream would always end
This dream seems to symbolize a sense of exploration, limitation, and mystery in your life. The open field with fall leaves and green grass could represent a sense of time passing and growth. The surrounding forest could symbolize unknown potential, while the tree tunnel represents a path or journey you are hesitant to take. The fact that you can only see a short distance into the tunnel before it becomes pitch black may suggest uncertainty or fear about the unknown future or a particular decision you have to make. Your dream ending when you try to step into the path may signify a fear of the consequences or outcomes of taking a certain direction in your waking life. It could be helpful to reflect on what choices or opportunities in your life might be causing you this hesitation or uncertainty.